Specialist Quantification System


The Objective of the Specialist Qualification System of the Japanese Society of Neuro-Endovascular Therapy (JSNET) is to train Neuro-endovascular surgeons with special skills and to contribute to the national welfare.
The committee serves a two-year term (Since May 2018).

Specialists: 1443 (Consulting specialist 367; As of April 1st, 2020)
Training facility: 221 (As of April 1st, 2020)

Certification committee for the specialists/consulting specialists

Chair: Shinichi Yoshimura (Hyogo medical university)
Vise chairs: Masaru Hirohata, Yasushi Matsumoto, Kenji Sugiu
Directors: Koji Iihara, Akira Ishii, Yasushi Ito, Hirotoshi Imamura, Masayuki Ezura, Yukiko Enomoto, Masahiko Kawanishi, Hiro Kiyosue, Naoya Kuwayama, Nobuyuki Sakai, Ttsu Sato, Kenji Sugiu, Tomoaki Terada, Toshio Higashi, Yu Hirohata, Toshiyuki Fujinaka, Yuji Matsumaru, Yasushi Matsumoto, Hiroshi Yamagami, Shinichi Yoshimura
Officers: Takashi Izumi, Naoyuki Uchiyama, Hidenori Oishi, Yoshihiro Kiura, Kittipong Srivatanakul, Makoto Sakamoto, Junichiro Satomi, Masaaki Shojima, Michihiro Tanaka, Tomoyuki Tsumoto, Wataro Tsuruta, Yasunari Niimi, Jin Hasegawa, Koichi Haraguchi, Nobutaka Horie, Osamu Masuo, Shigeru Miyachi

Committee for the Board certification system (2016/12/1-2018/11/30)

Chair: Akira Ishii (kyoto University)
Vice chair: Masayuki Ezura (Sendai Medical Center)
Directors: Shiichi Yoshimura, Shigeru Miyachi, Yuji Matsumaru, Hiro Kiyosue, Hiroshi Yamagami

  Specialist Consulting Specialist
 Examination  Written, oral, and practial examinations  By means of documents
 Training requirements - More than 5 years of basic training in neurosurgery, radiology, emergency medicine or internal medicine (Board certified specialists of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, Japan Radiological Society, Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, or Japanese Society of Internal Medicine). 
- More than 1 year of endovascular training under supervision of consulting specialists
 Case experience requirements - Applicant should have 100 cases as the operator or 1st/2nd assistant. (At lease 20 cases are required as an primary operator. )  200 cases as an primary operator
 Cerebral aneurysm  10 cases or more  40 cases or more
 brain/spinal AVM  5 cases or more  5 cases or more
 AVF (dural/other AVFs)    10 cases or more
 Revascularization  15 cases or more  30 cases or more, includinf 10 cases of carotid artery stenting and 10 cases of revascularization therapy for acute ischemidc stroke
 Tumor (head/neck/spine)  N/A  10 cases or more
 Other requirements 200 cases or more of diagnostic catheter angiography as an primary operator in carrer  - Presentations at an academic meeting at least 10 times.
 - Published 3 or more peer-reviewed papers as the first author
Renewal of the certification (every 5 years)    Activity report of interventions (including supervised cases) during the 5-year certification period. 
 List of 50 interventions during the 5-year certification period.  List of 100 interventions (including supervised cases) during the 5-year certification period. 

 - Participation in the annual meeting of JSNET at least 3 times (or 2 JSNET and 3 regional meetings) during the 5-year certification period. 
 - Attendance of FD training program at least 1 time during the 5-year certification period. 


 Written test  Oral test
 Device test  Procedure test


  Training Facility
Method Document screening
Human requirement At least 1 consulting specialist
Case requirement 30 or more cases/year or 90 or more cases/last 3 years
Certification period 1 year (from April to March)
Renewal Every 1 year


Office: Shinanomachi-Rengakan, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0016, Japan
International Medical Information Center, Secretariat of the Skill Qualification System, The Japanese Society for Neuroendovascular Therapy
TEL:03-5361-7555  FAX:03-5361-7091 
E-mail: jsin-hq@umin.net
Executive office director: Yuji Matsumaru
Deputy general: Akira Ishii
Officer: Chiaki Sato, Rie Yamaguchi, Mariko Kawanishi